You just can't resist that!
Recently YUDIAN launches its innovative Paperless Recorder AI-3170S. Unlike traditional one-piece paperless recorder, it takes advantages of full back up support of YUDIAN controllers and indicators. It reads signal from AI-706M multi-channel indicators, through RS485 AIBUS. It also support PID temperature controllers!
The highest safety is protected in this way because whenever there is any fault of the paperless recorder, the indicators or controllers are still running on their own!

The interface software of AI-3170S is developed based on multi-platform environment. Now it is embedded in a 7 inches HMI true-color touch screen. Very soon YUDIAN will launches this software in multi-platfrom, giving user the same user experience across various platforms.
The full review of the Paperless Recorder AI-3170S will be published later.
Another larger panel with 10.2 inch diagonal LCD screen is also available.